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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

SC-SIC has launched our new website at All information on this site is located there, as well, and will permanently be removed from this site on 11/20/23. 

SC-SIC Member Network

SC-SIC Member Network logoThe SC-SIC Member Network catalogs School Improvement Council membership, SIC Reports to the Parents, and compliance with South Carolina law. The Member Network is unique to SC-SIC and is the only system of its kind in the state’s public education community, documenting thousands of individuals devoted to advancing civic engagement in public education. It has an available read-only view, where SIC membership, compliance, and SIC Reports to the Parents can be accessed by the general public.

SC-SIC Member Network User Accounts

  • Only school or district employees may obtain Member Network user accounts.
  • SIC District Contacts coordinate reporting of SIC membership information by assigning data entry responsibility to their schools’ administrative offices or by entering SIC membership information from the district office. All District Contacts should obtain district user accounts in order to oversee SIC membership reporting and compliance.
  • To obtain a new school or district user account, school administrative personnel and SIC District Contacts should visit the SC-SIC Member Network home page and click on “Request a user account.”

  • Passwords for previous-year user accounts will not work for the current school year. All user accounts are deactivated on July 1 of each year.

Three Ways to Reactivate Your Expired Account

  • Log into the system with the email address associated with your account and your expired password. You will be prompted to reactivate your account. The system will then email a new password to you.
  • Email SC-SIC Communications Coordinator Meredith Hooper at and request a new password.
  • Fill out a new account request.


  • A green check in the Compliance Status column marks a school as “Compliant,” meaning the SIC meets all statutory guidelines, including reporting by the deadline of November 15.
  • A blue asterisk in the column indicates that the school is designated as “Reported, Non-Compliant.” This means that the school reported the SIC membership, but did not do it by the deadline, did not fully update the membership, and/or the SIC does not meet statutory guidelines such as member composition.
  • If a school does not report their SIC membership, a red “X” will display in the Compliance Status column, registering the school as “Not Reported” and therefore out of compliance with state statute.
  • These icons are visible in the public, read-only view of the Member Network.

Additional Information

  • Every July 1, all SICs will be shown in the Member Network as "not in compliance" until the membership information has been updated for the upcoming school year.
  • If a council holds elections in the spring and the updated SIC information is entered into the Member Network prior to July 1, those records must be updated again after July 1.
  • South Carolina law requires that all SIC membership information be updated by November 15.
  • When requesting a user account, please use ONLY district and/or school contact information.
  • Account requests are reviewed by SC-SIC Staff; passwords are not issued automatically. They are generally issued well within 2 working days after requests are submitted, but if the number of requests to be filled slows this process you may experience a longer delay in receiving a password.
  • Each SIC is required by South Carolina law to write and distribute the SIC Report to the Parents by April 30 of each year. SC-SIC asks that the Report be uploaded to the Member Network by June 1.

Please contact Communications Coordinator Meredith Hooper with all inquiries concerning the SC-SIC Member Network:
Telephone: 800-868-2232